London Hash House Harriers running and drinking club

Skip's Hash Runs 2014

Sat Jul 5th
Caboose and Lonely
The Pack: Caboose, Lonely, 3 Beers, Bonnie, Boy Blunder, Bulldozer, Chi Su, Chunderos (Surrey H3), CL (Cunning Lingus), Cooperman, Creeper, Fat Bastard, Funky Gibbon, Goldilocks, Hot Down South, Houdini, Houdini (R2D2), KC, Knead, Last Tango, Looberty, Martian Matron, More On, Naughty Nympho, One in The Eye, Optimist, Oral Sex, Pampers (Scarboro H3), Psycho, Ratshit, Rhino, Run 2 Eat, Rustler (MKH3), Ryde, Screwloose, Shakesbeer, Simple (Barnes), Simples, Sir Clugs, Skip, Sparerib, Speedhumper (Barnes H3), Splash, Tablewhine, Tequil-over (Surrey H3), Titanic Dickhead, Window Dressing and 19 others. Total 66.
Sat Feb 15th
The Green Man at Putney
Bonnie and Naughty Nympho
The Pack: Bonnie, Naughty Nympho, 2AM, A Little Dirty, Action Man, Bear Behind, Bhopal, Black Hole, Chi Su, Doner Kebab, Double Entry, Eric Sutherland, Foreskin, Freeloader, Hands On, Hot Down South, KC, Kenny, Knickers, Last Tango, Legs (Oslo), Miss Muffet, Not Out, Pete the Pilot, Phickle Fart, Psycho, Pussyfoot, Pyles, Rambo, Reach Around, Roll Back, Ryde, Screwloose, Skip, Sparerib, Tablewhine, Thunderthighs, Unacceptable and Yorky Porky. Total 39.